Sunday, August 19, 2018

Vastu Sastra For Religious People

Impress Lord Kuber!

1 / 22Lord Kuber, the lord of wealth will shower you with prosperity if he is pleased with you. But how to please the lord? If you follow these simple Vastu tips to gain wealth you can surely please the lord and be blessed with health and wealth always!Place the cash locker in right direction!

2 / 22We keep our belongings and jwellery stored ina cash locker or a cupboard locker at home. According to Vastu, it is important to place this locker closer to the south-west or the south wall in the room so that it opens onto the north direction. This is because Lord Kuber resides in the north direction and if the locker opens in north, the lord will refill it over and over again.Where not to place the cash locker

3 / 22Cash locker is the most important object in the house. A cash locker should never be placed under a focus light or beam. This indicates financial stress on the family or family business.Double your wealth by using a mirror

4 / 22Place a mirror in front of your cash locker so that the image of the locker gets reflected in the mirror. This is symbolic of doubling of wealth.Position of staircase for wealth prosperity

5 / 22The staircase should never be made in the north-east direction. This portion should always clear of clutter and open as it helps to attract wealth towards an individual. No machinery should be kept in this direction as well.Effect of Swimming Pool on wealth

6 / 22A swimming pool, if required to be created, or any water body should never be made lower than the ground level in the south-west corner. This is applicable to one’s office, home or even an apartment building.Purchase of land as per Vastu

7 / 22It is best to avoid purchasing a plot of land that has high-rise buildings or temples in frontof the north-east side of your land. This leads to a loss of wealth. Also, if this is unavoidablethen one needs to make sure that these building structures are not casting a shadow on your plot of land.Avoid Curved Walls

8 / 22Curved walls should be avoided in the north-east corner of your boundary wall. They should always be in right angles.Vastu guidelines for Roof

9 / 22When making the roof, it is better to keep the north-east portion of the roof lower than the south-west portion. In short, the roof must slope south west down to north east.Height of boundary walls also affect incoming wealth

10 / 22The south and west side walls of the houseand the boundary walls on this side should behigher as well as thicker than those of the east and north side.Are neighboring areas elevated?

11 / 22When buying the plot to build your home or office, you need to ensure that the land has the same elevation or is higher than the adjacent roads. No point in purchasing a piece of plot that is lower than the road.Planting trees in SouthWest

12 / 22To stabilize finance, Vastu experts suggest that planting large big trees in the south-west side of the plot will do a lot of good. Doing so also helps to avoid any mishap or unfortunateevents in family and family business.Where not to plant trees

13 / 22However, planting trees in the north-east side will have the exact opposite effect, i.e. it will obstruct the flow of finances.Keep Center of house clutter free

14 / 22The center portion of the house should not have anything. It should be free of clutter or one can build a temple there as this is known as the Brahmasthan area in the house.Direction of Store Rooms

15 / 22Store Rooms are inevitable. If we want to keep the house clean and clutter free then we do end up making a store room. The west portion or the south-west portion in the house is good for a store room.Keep Doors and windows clean and dust free.

16 / 22The main entrance to the house should always be clean. Cleanliness invites Lord Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi. Doors and windows should always be clean. If not, then they will obstruct the flow of wealth into the house.Don't let water flow out like a waste

17 / 22Never leave taps leaking. A leaking tap or faucet is considered inauspicious as it indicates wastage of money just like waste ofwater. Water is symbolic of money.Placement of water fountain

18 / 22Keep a water fountain the north-east part of your home. Also, make sure that the water in fountain is always flowing and not stagnant. Flowing water indicates flow of energy and wealth.Where to place your aquarium

19 / 22If you have an aquarium at home, always place it in the north-east portion in the house. Also, aquarium should be cleaned regularly.How to decorate your entrance

20 / 22The main door of the house calls for distinctive decoration so that wealth and prosperity find you easily. A nameplate outside your home is a must. The area outside the main door should be kept well lit with beautiful colours.Bird feeder attracts wealth

21 / 22Keep a bird feeder in your yard. Keep it filled with water as well as grains as this helps attract wealth and positive energy.Purple colour is symbolic of wealth

22 / 22The colour purple is a royal colour and wealth is symbolised by this colour as well. It is goodto keep a purple coloured plant within your home or if that is not possible, you need at least have a purple-coloured pot.

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